earwax.config module

Provides the Config and ConfigValue classes.

class earwax.config.Config

Bases: object

Holds configuration subsections and values.

Any attribute that is an instance of earwax.Config is considered a subsection.

Any attribute that is an instance of earwax.ConfigValue is considered a configuration value.

You can create sections like so:

from earwax import Config, ConfigValue

class GameConfig(Config):
    '''Example configuration page.'''

    hostname = ConfigValue('localhost')
    port = ConfigValue(1234)

c = GameConfig()

Then you can access configuration values like this:

host_string = f'{c.hostname.value}:{c.port.value}'
# ...

Use the dump() method to get a dictionary suitable for dumping with json.

To set the name that will be used by earwax.ConfigMenu, subclass earwax.Config, and include a __section_name__ attribute:

class NamedConfig(Config):
    __section_name__ = 'Options'

The human-readable name of this section.

At present, this attribute is only used by earwax.ConfigMenu.

dump() → Dict[str, Any]

Return all configuration values, recursing through subsections.

For example:

c = ImaginaryConfiguration()
d = c.dump()
with open('config.yaml', 'w') as f:
    json.dump(d, f)

Use the populate_from_dict() method to restore dumped values.

load(f: TextIO) → None

Load data from a file.

Uses the populate_from_dict() method on dataloaded from the given file:

c = ImaginaryConfigSection()
with open('config.yaml', 'r'):

To save the data in the first place, use the save() method.

Parameters:f – A file-like object to load data from.
populate_from_dict(data: Dict[str, Any]) → None

Populate values from a dictionary.

This function is compatible with (and used by) dump():

c = Config()
with open('config.yaml', 'r') as f:

Any missing values from data are ignored.

Parameters:data – The data to load.
save(f: TextIO) → None

Dump this configuration section to a file.

Uses the dump() method to get the dumpable data.

You can save a configuration section like so:

c = ImaginaryConfigSection()
with open('config.yaml', 'w') as f:

By default, YAML is used.

Parameters:f – A file-like object to write the resulting data to.
class earwax.config.ConfigValue(value: T, name: Optional[str] = None, type_: Optional[object] = None, value_converters: Optional[Dict[object, Callable[[ConfigValue], str]]] = None, dump_func: Optional[Callable[[T], T]] = None, load_func: Optional[Callable[[str], T]] = None)

Bases: typing.Generic

A configuration value.

This class is used to make configuration values:

name = ConfigValue('username', name='Your character name', type_=str)

If you are dealing with a non-standard object, you can set custom functions for loading and dumping the objects:

from pathlib import Path
option = ConfigValue(Path.cwd(), name='Some directory')

def dump_path(value: Path) -> str:
    return str(value)

def load_path(value: str) -> Path:
    return Path(value)
  • value – The value held by this configuration value.
  • name

    The human-readable name of this configuration value.

    The name is currently only used by earwax.ConfigMenu.

  • type_

    The type of this value. Can be inferred from value.

    Currently this attribute is used by earwax.ConfigMenu to figure out how to construct the widget that will represent this value.

  • value_converters

    A dictionary of type: converter functions.

    These are used by earwax.ConfigMenu.option_menu() to print value, instead of value_to_string().

  • default

    The default value for this configuration value.

    This will be inferred from value.

  • dump_func – A function that will take the actual value, and return something that YAML can dump.
  • load_func – A function that takes the value that was loaded by YAML, and returns the actual value.
dump(func: Callable[[T], T]) → Callable[[T], T]

Add a dump function.


The function that will be decorated.

See the description for dump_func.

load(func: Callable[[str], T]) → Callable[[str], T]

Add a load function.


The function that will be decorated.

See the description for load_func.

value_to_string() → str

Return value as a string.

This method is used by earwax.ConfigMenu when it shows values.