
Project Goals

Earwax is an audio game library with a focus on readable code, minimal boilerplate, and rapid prototyping.

It should be possible to create a basic game with basic code. It should also be possible to add layers of complexity without the game library holding you back.


The basic flow of an Earwax program is:

  • Create a Game instance.
  • Create 1 or more Level instances.
  • Add actions to the level instance(s) you created in the previous step.
  • Create a pyglet Window instance.
  • Run the game object you created in step ` with the window object you created in the previous step.

Full Example

The below code is a full -albeit minimal - code example:

from earwax import Game, Level
from pyglet.window import key, mouse, Window
w = Window(caption='Test Game')
g = Game()
l = Level(g)

@l.action('Key speak', symbol=key.S)
def key_speak():
    """Say something when the s key is pressed."""
    g.output('You pressed the s key.')

@l.action('Mouse speak', mouse_button=mouse.LEFT)
def mouse_speak():
    """Speak when the left mouse button is pressed."""
    g.output('You pressed the left mouse button.')

@l.action('Quit', symbol=key.ESCAPE, mouse_button=mouse.RIGHT)
def do_quit():
    """Quit the game."""
    g.stop(), initial_level=l)