Staggered PromisesΒΆ

The earwax.StaggeredPromise class, which should have probably been called the ContinuationPromise class, was created out of my desire to write MOO-style suspends in Python.

Using the class, you can simply yield a number, and your function will suspend for approximately that long:

from earwax.types import StaggeredPromiseGeneratorType

def promise() -> StaggeredPromiseGeneratorType:
    game.output('Starting now.')
    yield 2.0
    game.output('Still working.')
    yield 5.0

The only event which differs from those found on :Threaded Promises, is the on_next() event.

This event is dispatched every time your promise function yields:

def on_next(delay: float) -> None:
print('Delay: %.2f' % delay)