Getting Started

When getting started with any new library, it is often hard to know where to start. Earwax contains many tutorials, but that doesn’t help you write your first line of code.

For writing your first game, there is the game command:

$ earwax game
Creating a blank game at

This will create you a very minimal game, which can already be run:

$ python

This should load up a game called “New Game”.

This game already has a few things to get you started:

  • A main menu, with an entry to play the game, show credits, and exit.
  • An initial level with a help menu. You can press Q from this level to return to the main menu.
  • An extremely self-aggrandising default credit, mentioning Earwax, and its illustrious creator.
  • Commented out lines which provide main menu, and initial level music.

This game serves as a starting point for your own work, and should be expanded upon.