earwax.story.context module

Provides the StoryContext class.

class earwax.story.context.StoryContext(game: earwax.game.Game, world: earwax.story.world.StoryWorld, edit: bool = NOTHING, state: earwax.story.world.WorldState = NOTHING, errors: List[str] = NOTHING, warnings: List[str] = NOTHING)

Bases: object

Holds references to various objects required to make a story work.

before_run() → None

Set the default panning strategy.

configure_earwax() → None

Push a menu that can be used to configure Earwax.

configure_music() → None

Allow adding and removing main menu music.

credit_menu(credit: earwax.credit.Credit) → Callable[[], None]

Push a menu that can deal with credits.

credits_menu() → None

Add or remove credits.

earwax_bug() → None

Open the Earwax new issue URL.

get_default_config_file() → pathlib.Path

Get the default configuration filename.

get_default_logger() → logging.Logger

Return a default logger.

get_default_state() → earwax.story.world.WorldState

Get a default state.

get_main_menu() → earwax.menus.menu.Menu

Create a main menu for this world.

get_window_caption() → str

Return a suitable window title.

load() → None

Load an existing game, and start it.

play() → None

Push the world level.

push_credits() → None

Push the credits menu.

set_initial_room() → None

Set the initial room.

set_panner_strategy() → None

Allow the changing of the panner strategy.

show_warnings() → None

Show any generated warnings.

world_options() → None

Configure the world.